
当耐克在今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上发布“Dream Crazier”广告时, 他们向观众展示了一封给女运动员的视觉情书. The video––which was narrated by tennis superstar Serena Williams––championed the accomplishments of female athletes while footage of women doing what they do best played in the background. 其他受到关注的运动员包括西蒙·拜尔斯(Simone Biles), Ibtihaj默罕默德, 克洛伊金, 以及联合国成员国.S. 国家女子足球队. 
在2019年的“Dream Crazier”广告发布之前, 甚至在2000年澳门新葡新京官方体育名人堂第一批入选者公布之前, 澳门官方老葡京的体育项目以其悠久的历史而自豪, 为体育运动中的女性喝彩,让观众兴奋不已. The 2018-2019 season proved to be no different as dedicated coaches encouraged Ellis girls to assert themselves on the playing field and realize their full athletic potential through the regular rhythm of mid-season highs and lows. 从网球到田径 & 场, 足球转垒球, 越野队员, one thing is certain: Every athlete has grown from her experiences this season and approached her discipline with the heart and grit expected of the mighty Ellis Tigers. 

今年, 大学篮球队四年来第二次进入WPIAL季后赛. 而他们在第二轮以55比33输给了主教卡内文高中, 澳门新葡新京官方体育主管谢拉·斯科特说, “最后的比分没有体现出这支球队和那场比赛的公平. 对我们的老虎队来说,这是一场艰苦的比赛.” 

这个故事开始于该团队在2月份制作wpial之前的几年. 2016届毕业生毕业的时候, Ellis’ basketball team experienced a moment of transition as they struggled in both numbers and leadership. 当时是低年级学生, Sydne布兰德, 凯瑟琳过, 还有Kaia Iverson, 2018-2019赛季的联合队长, 在高中毕业前的几个赛季里,他们都在和教练一起做些小事情, 但有效的, 这些改变会让他们的球队重新进入季后赛的争夺. Tweaks like spending time together during open gym sessions in the fall season or watching game footage in order to think critically, 制定游戏计划, 在球场上培养联系对球队来说真的很重要. 

时间快进到2019年1月, when the team demonstrated the difference these small tweaks had made for them out on the court by avenging a tough December loss against Riverview High School with a triumphant 21-point win against the team––snapping a 13-game losing streak to this long-standing rival dating back to 2006–2007. 队员们奋力反击一直阻挠他们的球队, 向自己和一直支持澳门新葡新京官方的粉丝证明,他们的奉献和坚持得到了回报. 

大二学生娜塔莉·贾斯珀说, “我们在训练中非常努力地做好准备,我们的执行是完美无缺的. Especially considering this was a team that blew us out last year by a staggering amount and this season by 10, 每个人都知道这场比赛有多重要. 深入研究, 我们知道我们能赢, 我们决心不赢就不走,这就是我们所做的.”

A tight-knit squad guided by their devoted coach Dan LaGamba everyone on this year’s team set a high standard for themselves by holding each other accountable and pushing each other to improve. 通过这种文化转变, all members of the team learned important life lessons about the value of prioritizing the goals of the group over the individual. 他们知道如何建设性地批评和支持对方, 他们意识到他们的成功并不取决于每个人, 这是关于团队的. 

While one of the benefits of playing sports at Ellis is that there is plenty of room for each girl to shine on a team, significant year-to-year variation in participation can sometimes make building a strong team over a number of years challenging for coaches. 今年, 然而, several coaches went above 及以后 to bolster their team rosters by taking an active role in recruitment and retention of athletes across campus. 

大学足球教练兼技术总监蒂姆·霍华德就是这样一位教练. 在2018年秋季之前, 他和团队的老兵, 贝卡·拉斯特和蕾妮·彼得森, 采取了积极主动的方式来填补花名册. 他们通过保持训练的趣味性和包容性来增加对足球项目的兴趣, 最后召集了一个完整的团队. 作为一名足球教练, I lead by example and teach my athletes that being positive leaders and working together are crucial to their success. I ask them to be goal-oriented with their thoughts and actions and I remind them that their hard work pays off in ways that they may not even understand right now,霍华德教练说。. 结果是, many athletes have committed to off-season training and the program is expected to continue to grow next season.

虽然澳门新葡新京官方曲棍球项目多年来一直很强大, 今年共有13名八年级学生参加了中学曲棍球队, the pipeline to Ellis’ varsity team is stronger than ever and Head Coach Amanda Rose could not be more optimistic. 从一起练习和玩耍中获益, 学习彼此的长处, 并且有足够的时间去思考如何在球场上发挥这些优势, watch out for the team to pack a punch in the coming seasons as these rising freshmen infuse the team with an influx of competitive talent.

 校垒球队不仅人数增加了22名运动员, 但是在天赋和技术方面,球队本赛季总共得到了72分. 决心努力战斗,提高自己的排名, the team showed resilience in their doubleheader against Springdale High School by closing their loss deficit from 8-5 to 9-8 in their matchup against the section leader. Significant and celebratory wins came during games against Geibel Catholic High School where the Tigers won 23-2 early in the season, 然后又以12-2结束这一年. 在2019赛季结束时失去了五名大四学生, the squad looks to build on the progress they made this year with the help of new freshmen athletes in 2020.

从艰难的失败到阻碍赛季的伤病, 今年,澳门新葡新京官方的女孩们在工作和下班时间都善于处理压力大的情况. 而失望往往是难以面对的 那一刻, 正是运动员所面临的挫折和周围的支持塑造了他们的性格, 教运动员如何克服障碍, 最终培养自信.

Ellis’ varsity swim team was a shining example this winter of how athletics instills self-confidence in girls. “游泳队的环境和社区完全是 独特和支持,”大三学生Aniya Ahktar说. “无论你是在比赛中感到紧张,还是在训练中感到疲惫, 每个人都在和你开玩笑或者为你加油. 团队的精神和个性是这项运动如此有趣的原因, 即使你很冷, 湿, 又累.” This supportive atmosphere and fun spirit paid off for Aniya as her 50m breaststroke split improved from 47.72秒差46秒.54秒,100米蛙泳用时1分51秒.08 to 1:43.41.

Junior Simone Rothstein补充道, “在一个团队中, 与这些女孩竞争, 把时间花在一项运动上,没有什么能把我们联系在一起. 他们不仅每天让我开怀大笑,而且在泳池内外都给予我支持. I love each and every girl on the swim team because we push each other to work hard in practice and at school. 我们组成了一个游泳姐妹团,我再也找不到比这更有趣、更有爱心的团队了.” Senior Bryn Luedde rounded out her last season as part of this “swim sisterhood” on a high note finishing eighth in the 50m freestyle and fifth in the 100m freestyle at WPIALs and advancing to the PIAA swimming championships in both the 50m and 100m freestyle.

Tales of trying new things and building confidence while doing so are not new to Ellis girls but doing so on land is one thing and doing so as a cohesive and supportive team while cutting across 一池水是完全不同的故事. 今年的球队在没有明显波动的情况下完成了一个增强信心的赛季.

While there are sure to be plenty of up-and-coming female athletes to model resilience and success for future girls on the national stage, on Ellis’ state-of-the-art playing field nestled in Pittsburgh’s East End—as well as in our gyms and nearby pool—the Tigers will continue to learn valuable lessons about life and teamwork while fighting hard to make a name for themselves across the region. Athletic Director Scott’s vision for developing the program is one that includes athletics continuing to be an integral part of the Ellis experience and acting as an incubator for leadership, 积极的自尊, 社区参与. She knows that teaching girls valuable skills like teamwork and time management will serve them well at Ellis, 在大学, 及以后. 无论是重建赛季还是破纪录赛季, 澳门新葡新京官方女孩, 这不仅仅是输赢的问题,而是建立友谊的问题, 无论是个人还是团队,力量和凶猛都在不断增强, 玩得开心.
